Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Application for Nurse Trainee at World Citi Medical Center

             World Citi Medical Center is located along Aurora Boulevard, Quezon City. It is actually near the LRT Anonas Station. It is a tertiary hospital with 279-bed capacity and provides a wide range of health services from diagnostic, preventive to curative and rehabilitative stage. Their website boasts of cutting-edge facilities and advanced technology that cater to various health concerns. 

              If you really want to go abroad, the hospital there require that you have worked in at least 100-bed capacity hospital. Well, this hospital is just right for you.

            I went there last week to pass my credentials. I was given a piece of paper with the list of the requirements and was asked to fill up the form. I was asked to just leave my documents with the guard on-duty. I placed the requirements inside a brown envelope. The guard said it was better to place everything in an envelope to avoid having the papers misplaced.

           Here is the list of the requirements for Nurse Trainee:
1. Resume with picture
2. Photocopy of board rating
3. Photocopy of board certificate (If not yet available, no need to get one)
4. Photocopy of PRC license (clear image, as much as possible)
5. Diploma
6. Transcript

          I was not comfortable of the idea of passing the original copies of my diploma and ToR, so I just had them photocopied. So far the HR has not reprimanded me for it.

         There was a note on the small paper where the list of requirements in written, it says,

          "After thorough screening of resume, all qualified applicants will be notified through phone call, text message or email regarding their interview and examination schedule."

          A few hours after I passed my requirements, I received a text message asking me to come the following day for an exam. I nervously replied to the text my name, as a confirmation. Good thing I searched on the net and came across a thread in http://allnurses.com/nursing-in-philippines/training-hiring-process-650171.html about the initial exam. I brushed up on drug computations, abbreviations and meanings of some medical terms. They were right, there were 10 items on drug computations and 15 items on meanings and abbreviations.

          Before the exam, they will ask you to fill out another form. This form is like your resume, must be filled up completely and accurately.

         After the exam, the HR will tell you to wait for another text about the schedule of interview. So far, I haven't received a text from them. Another applicant told me, it usually takes 1-2 weeks before they call you up again for an interview.

        I will just wait for now and pray I get included in the trainee program.

        If you have inquiries regarding their nurse trainee program, you can call (02)-913-8380 local 308.

Application to a Hospital as an RN

I am a newly registered nurse. Despite the pride and joy the title "RN" brings, I must admit, I feel ashamed at some point because I am not a practicing nurse. Through my job hunting, I realized how little the government acknowledges the presence of nurses in our country. There are hundreds of thousands of us but only few actually practice the profession in the clinical setting. Some of us are stuck in call centers, in industries far from what we have studied and in institutions that pay less if none at all.

Though we are degree-holders, board passers and even licensed in various training such as Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiovascular Support, Intravenous Therapy, among others, we still cannot get into our dream job. Most of us are not wearing that scrubs, or that neatly pressed nursing uniforms because the hospitals we dreamed of entering are either "not hiring" or just accepting "nurse volunteers".

Through checking blogs and threads on the Internet about how to get hired in a hospital, I learned that getting hired sometimes is so hard- you really have endure lots of patience and God's mercy if I may say so.

I learned that in order to get hired you either apply first as a nurse trainee, or a volunteer. Well, after you have passed the initial exam to get into the nurse trainee program, you must pass the interview too. Then after a few weeks of in-house training, you must pass another series of exams and interview before you can be included in the manpooling process.

Crazy, huh? But that's the way it is nowadays. Oh, did I mention that you have to pay too? They range from P6,000-P15,000.00 depending on the level of care that institution provides. If you really want to get into those big and famous hospitals, you have to prepare at least P10,000.00 from what I heard. And this payment is not a guarantee you will be hired.

There is this so-called rule, "No registered nurse immediately gets hired as a regular staff nurse." According to the threads that I have read, no one gets into a hospital without undergoing a Nurse Training Program. If you want to be hired, you must undergo the training provided by the hospital and pass the training.  Though not all institutions implement it, but there are those who claim that there are indeed institutions that follow that simple rule.

Nevertheless, I, together with thousands of registered nurses all over the country, follow the rules and comply with the requirements just to get into a hospital. Just because, it was the only way to get in.  Unless, you have been pre-selected by the HR simply because you have a backer who has a high position in that hospital you wish to apply to.