Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A day in Pyjamas

It's been a while since I last spent the day in pyjamas. I woke up late, stayed in bed for a few more hours, went online, facebooked, surf the net for non-academic reasons, watched TV, ate and slept. Just like a bum. Take a bath late in the day, or skip lunch just to be in bed once more.

After a long time, I finally had lots of time to do nothing. With my usual busy schedule, I practically had lots of time doing lots of things, like running errands, attending classes and socializing. I usually wake up early, take a bath and start my day with my to do list.

It feels a little weird though that despite my efforts of becoming an official bum, I never did. Because here I am, blogging once more in my last night's pyjamas on my unfixed bed.

When was the last time you spent your day in pyjamas?

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