Wednesday, January 20, 2010

AVATAR (a socio-econo political outlook)

I finally saw the much-talked about movie of 2009, "Avatar". I was excited the moment the 3D glasses was handed to me. It was my first and definitely will be the start of many more 3D film-watching.

It met my expectations, the graphics, the digital enhancement and the whole artistic effect. The so many socio-econo-political issues that the movie exposed made it really worth my money and my time.

I am more than a film critic. I see what a film feeds its viewers and I look beyond the obvious. The rest of the world may give a standing ovation for a movies' cinematic features but for me a movie is worth a stand only when it conveys reality, informs the audience and imparts truth.

Just like almost all Hollywood films, it once again showed the strength of the US Military. Providing us with visuals of the future of technology, that the institution holds the future of the military defense.

The following are interesting points to discuss for the intellectual and the critical:

1. US Military vs. Science

One conflict that was evident in the movie was the conflicting beliefs and systems of science and the military itself. It is true that the military does work with science or somehow a science itself. But let us look beyond, the science team works based on observation and countless data while the military team works with observation, countless data and terror. Science acts based on cognition, Military acts based on its feelings. The latter uses aggression to get what it wants, diplomacy usually does not prevail because its system of beliefs does not work on such virtues. It is a male-dominated institution, so it is fueled by logic and empowered by testosterone, actually lots of it. In some cases it only works based on the sudden rise of the male hormone and adrenaline. The scientists wanted to gather more information, more analysis and more careful planning. They wanted to exercise diplomacy to get what they want but when they are in conflict with the men of war, they were overpowered by the latter's aggression and strength.
No wonder towards the end of the film, they became trigger-happy swines and proved that men are indeed members of the animal kingdom.

2. Stop U.S. Aggression

The U.S. had always been part of almost every war in the whole world. It does not stop there, even in outer space, they are using its power to steal resources for its own income. They will do all measures to get a nation's natural resources and gain money even if it meant destroying life. It has always used it top-of-the-line technology to create a relationship masking as a friendly one with benefits. As soon as it has sucked all the resources that are of its interest, it leaves and moves on to the next one.
How many nations has this country destroyed to get gold, diamond, oil and so many other resources? How many people were sent to kill each other for the benefit of the U.S. government or at least by its rulers? How many have been deceived by its prowess? How many have been abused, threatened and killed to give way to its plans of a new world? Countless.
It has ruled the world in so many decision -making and has bypassed many authorities to pursue its interests. It has conducted numerous friendly visits, donations and peacekeeping acts only to mask its true intentions. It loans money for an interest greater than its original value.
Stop U.S. Aggression on the natives, of tribes and of innocent people. Stop the war for fuel.

3. WAR is never the answer.

Wars have brought so many deaths and destruction more than any other event in history. Not only it is very costly, it also deceives people that anger and hate will solve the problem. It is natural to be angry and hate enemies but terrorizing them and later kill them will only make you be more angry and aggressive.
A war only propels one's ego. A war is declared not really to defend a nation but to satisfy a nation's pride and ego. It is after all pride and ego that has led rulers to declare war.
Offense is not always the best defense. Diplomacy and communication are the answer. But make sure the negotiator is the best man for the job.

4. We are one with Nature.
A single change in the balance of nature can lead to numerous damages. Nature is one with us and we are related. May the flower that bloomed in a minute and died the next will have an effect on a butterfly or on a lady who was captivated by its beauty.
Everything we need is in nature all we have to do is find and use it. Nature can heal us and empower us. She has provided protection, care and strength in times of crisis. Think of the numerous medicines sold on drugstores, they promised good health and cures but the natural sometimes still work better and brought good results. If one contradicts Nature, balance will be altered and might lead to chaos.

5. It is the future

The star wars saga introduced us to a possibility that in the future, nations of other planets or stars can come together and form the Confederation. It gave us a glimpse of what is now and tomorrow. AS what I have always asked, "what is next after 3D, video calls and the computer?" The hologram. Tomorrow we might be talking to our relatives in a form of a hologram projected before our very eyes through a small gadget.
We might sleep and enter a new body in a different space and time with the same consciousness. We might even be friends with our planetary neighbors and even shop in the moon. There are countless possibilities but science fiction may be fiction now but tomorrow it becomes reality.
It is true that some movies inspired inventors and scientist to create something beyond our imagination. So I often wondered whether these films predicted the future or they created the future. Or perhaps, these filmmakers have been to future or they have been in the past and are just bringing these information to us through the big screen.
One thing is for sure though, film makers and writers like these are courageous geniuses who went out of the box, defied reality and went against their colleagues advices. How I wonder who amongst us Filipinos would do the same. How I wish that one of us would bring us the future.

6. There is always Someone or Something to look up to

No matter what tribe, nation or reality we are in we will always have Someone to guide us. It may not be God, Allah or Eywa but there is someone stronger and powerful than us who will be our refuge. Someone whom we will seek for help, cure and strength. Someone or something that will bring us all together in one place.
Every civilization has its own deity. For every civilized man believes that there is something higher than him, that there is a Higher being that put him into existence. Often we forget to look up to the Being higher than us, but never in a man's life that he will never look up this Being.
Man would always create this Higher Being through any form he can because without it, he feels incomplete.

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